About WarrenWeb

I have reorganized and enhanced my website based on recent experiences.

I have been very busy working on my personal knowledge management (PKM) system using Obsidian, as well as development with Swift technologies on Apple platforms.

I have learned so much and discovered more. That has generated many new ideas, which I have organized and would like to share more broadly to benefit others.

Current Blog

Originally when I started this personal blog in September 2014, I became involved with WordPress and the blogger community. Mostly my focus was “sharing life experience and interests” so I simply called it Doug Warren, and just used dpw67.wordpress.com as its URL address without a specific domain.

Wow, I can’t believe that it’s been active for over 9 years!


Currently, I have quite a few followers on social networks who automatically receive my posts via email, WordPress, X (Twitter), Facebook, and RSS feed; Pinterest and Instagram also provide additional ways to access my site.

See more detailed statistics on Followers by platform, and Site Statistics regarding visitors, views, posts, countries, and most popular.

Please sign up, if you are interested.


However, now that my experiences and interests have greatly expanded, it seems appropriate to transform it into a website (with a blog), rather than a blog with a website. Therefore, I am also changing the name to WarrenWeb since its becoming much more than just a personal blog, and it now has a unique domain name as https://warrenweb.net.

The most obvious changes are the menu tabs, their structure, and organization. I will adapt the sidebar as these changes are implemented further, but will leave that alone for now during the transition.


I appreciate your patience and tolerance during this transition. There will be many changes to the site, and I will try to inform you via periodic posts about what’s new or different.

I’m very interested in your comments, feedback, problems, or suggestions. So please let me know what you like (or don’t) so I can make any adjustments. Thank you.